Kinesitherapy - Fascia Therapy - HORSE bodyforming®
Alexandra Fleck
Like all athletes, horses too have the need for physiotherapy.
The objective of these manipulations and holistic training by Alexandra are to balance the animal, improve its physical condition (attitude, posture and performance) especially after a traumatic incident.

Who is Cheval en forme for?
For all horses from foal to senior, leisure- or sports horses and horses in recovery.

The cavalry, which leads the horse through the mandible, thus balances the hyoid bone and the muscles of the neck. This improves blood supply and results in a better mental state.
The belt gives impulses to activate the spinal and dorsal chain. The horse regulates the pressure of the plate by the muscular contraction of its abs. The result is a strengthening of the movement muscles and stabilization.
- Fascia therapy is particularly indicated for:
- Anxiety, stress, fatigue, burnout
- Acute and chronic Pain associated with Arthritis, back pain, spinal disorders
- Trauma: sprains, muscle pathologies, after surgery postoperative, etc.
- Atrophy, lack of body muscles especially the back, Hollow back
- Preventive and supportive Care: Maternity, Convalescence, retirement
- The gentle and respectful action of fascia therapy in most cases brings a feeling of relaxation, calm and well-being to the horse. Please note that my areas of intervention in no way replace veterinary consultation!
Problèmes autour de la selle et de la bride, troubles de la cadence, manque d’activité des postérieurs, problème articulaire, boiterie inexplicable, mécontentement mental, paresse, indolence, comportement peureux ou imprévisible, “headshaking”, traumatisme, problèmes ovariens chez les juments.
Experience & Know-how
Graduated at renowned establishments in Germany and Austria, Alexandra obtained all official diplomas allowing her to treat horses in a correct professional manner.
Her training as a HORSE bodyforming® instructor allows her fundamental expertise in fascia therapy and its numerous recognized benefits.
Since June 2020, Alexandra is a student and auditor at the Instructor training of the « Ecole de Légèreté« .

Stable of owner and promoter of Sport horses from basic training up to high level between Montpellier and Nîmes